To Know Not Where: A New Poem about the Post-Pandemic Future

Hayim Herring
1 min readApr 20, 2020

To Know Not Where

I’m a prisoner of my present,

an exile from my past,

a nomad of my future,

a coerced aimless time traveler.

Fuzzy streams of time

rush to form a mighty river,

carrying me urgently

to I know not where

or to nowhere.

Only time will not tell.

But I am the tributaries,

and the mighty streams,

washed over but not up,

overflowing with dreams.

I float to the future,

to an undiscovered watershed

where the branches of time

hew distinct channels

that feed my desire

to discern what is history,

and what is just old,

to live with intention,

trust the yet-to-be told.

© April 14, 2020, Rabbi Hayim Herring

Have you (re)discovered any interests or hobbies with the extra time that you now have? I’ve been writing more poetry. Please share your new or newly discovered interests, and thanks for reading my poem.



Hayim Herring

Rabbi Hayim Herring, Ph.D., is an author, coach, futurist, & C.E.O. of He “prepares today’s leaders for tomorrow’s organizations.” ™